Thursday, February 9, 2012

WoW 2/9

The Write on Wednesday Spark:  Possessing Beauty
Write about a collection. Write about something you or ,someone you know, collects. Think about the "why" behind the collection - why is it important to collect this particular thing? How does it make the person feel to add another piece to their collection? Is the group of objects there to be seen, to be studied or simply kept together? Write a real life story or a piece of fiction. Wherever the prompt takes you...Keep your post on the short side: up to 500 words OR a 5 minute stream of consciousness exercise. Link your finished piece to the list and begin popping by the other links. Oh, and enjoy!

She collects hurts like children collect pretty stones.  As she walks along she picks each one up, carefully shining it on her shirt to give it the best luster and shine.  She takes them home in her breast pocket, cuddled close to her heart, and places them on the shelf so that the cracks and fissures a best displayed in the murky light. And I know they must be heavy, these rows and rows of offenses, real or percieved.  I know that they must be tearing down her walls.  Yet, she cannot seem to pass one by.


  1. Ah, that'd be hard. Collecting hurts. Have you ever read The Giver by Lois ? ... About a kid that holds all the memories and thoughts of others. Very overwhelming. Good write.

  2. Oh, I know that person ... dark and sad writing - well done!

  3. That was intriguing. Very gripping, and the writing was fantastic. Great job!

  4. Amazing writing, I've read it three times already! This is the most powerful piece of writing I've read in a long time, both online and off.

  5. Beautiful, strong writing about a sad collection. Collecting hurts - great description!
